
If you love stories in audio format, I’m thrilled to announce the release of the audio version of “Ethan Justice: Origins” narrated by the awesome Michael Page.

It is going down a storm with audiobook enthusiasts. Check out the very first review:

“This book is the perfect marriage of an exciting author’s characters and a superb narrator. Simon Jenner introduces us to a modern London suburbia and populates it with a surprising collection of characters each with their own varying degrees of neurotic behavior. Michael Page then breathes life into them with a gloriously crunchy psycho, suitably stressed good guys and my personal favourite, the “Russian”.”

And here is the Prologue to give you a taster!

You can buy the “Ethan Justice: Origins” audiobook on Audible (US, UK), from iTunes (US, UK) or via Amazon (US, UK).

You can even listen for FREE as part of a 30-day trial membership with Audible. What have you got to lose?